In this video I interview Chris Garrett, co-author of the book ProBlogger. Here Chris provides great advice to helps businesses achieve value with social media.
Chris shares the best way to approach Twitter and how to avoid the biggest mistakes people make. He also highlights the importance of attraction, retention and conversion for your business blog. Be sure to read the other takeaways listed below.
Here are other things to pick up in this video:
On Twitter:
- Do not go into all guns blazing
- Listen, get to know people there
- Research to find out if people are interested in what you want to talk about
- Tweet as you'd like to be tweeted to
- Engage people and have conversations
- Don't simply shout out broadcasts
On engagement:
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- Reply to what people
- Being interested is more interesting
- Listen and show you are aware of what others say
- Ask questions so people can do the same back
- Use contests on your blog to engage people
On the biggest mistakes people make blogging:
- Lack of focus and covering too many different topics
- Plan what you want to say, identify your audience and what your audiences wants to know
- Look after the people you've already got
- The more “me” you say, the more people say “go away”
- Write for your audience and not yourself or what you are interested in
On attraction
- Great content is key
- Networking wherever you go
- Mention your blog when you can and include a call to action with a benefit to your audience
Content is King, but a king without an army is a man in a funny hat:
- Content is crucial but not everything
- You also need promotion
- Mobilize your fans to become your advocates
Chris just finished the book, Blogging for Business. You can find Chris blogging on the business of blogging and new media and as a regular contributing author here on Social Media Examiner.
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